How good is your memory? Do you even know? When is the last time that you actually tested your memory? Well chances are if you are over stressed, over worked, not exercising regularly or not eating well your mind may be suffering as well. You may be depriving yourself of a healthy body healthy mind.
Our memory depends on millions of neurons firing simultaneously to recall, retrieve, and output the data needed. When we have difficulty with memory it means that these neurons are either misfiring or dying. They are malfunctioning.
So why does this happen? There are several reasons, but to summarize them it is the result of a lack of nutrients or oxygen, manifestation or onset of a disease like Alzheimer’s, stress or aging. Clearly a disconnect from the healthy body healthy mind connection.
How Do We Fix this Problem?
We need to reverse the process. To find ways to stop or decrease the dying and misfiring of the neurons. As well, to stimulate the growth of new neurons. Once this is accomplished the key is to ensure that they are firing properly.
Stimulate Effective Firing of Neurons
1. Do memory training exercises regularly.
2. Eat a healthy diet filled with leafy greens, Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
3. Eat a small meals every 3-4 hours to maintain adequate blood sugar.
4. Improve the circulation of blood to ensure maximum amounts of oxygen are delivered to the brain through exercise, which contribute to a
healthy brain.
5. Get a good night’s sleep.
6. Incorporate activities to reduce stress. Make this a part of your daily routine.
High blood sugar and high cortisol levels will both have a negative impact on memory. Both need to be attended to as they will not only affect the mind, but are precursors to several other diseases. A healthy body healthy mind depends on this.
Going for a brisk walk or a light jog will allow movement of blood, thus, improving the circulation. This has been shown to decrease the risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease.
Brain Exercises for a Healthy Body Healthy Mind
Engaging in just 10-15 minutes of brain exercise per day can help get the neurons firing. Something as simple as trying to remember facts or associating colors, pictures, or numbers with words and patterns is excellent. Kind of like studying for that final exam when you were younger.
Make learning new things a part of your life. Find a hobby that forces you to develop a new skill, practice it over until you become proficient. Or take a general interest course at a local community college. There is nothing like testing your memory on a real exam. And remember it is never too late to learn.
Helpful Tips and Tricks
Try Yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises. All of these have shown to help decrease stress and improve oxygen to the brain.
Here’s a 5 minute exercise you can do right now…
Close your eyes, have a big smile on your face and focus on your breathing. Set a timer for 5 minutes and don’t get up before 5 minutes and feel yourself breath. Know that you are inhaling and exhaling. Keep taking normal breaths and just feel it.
To learn more click here A Healthy Mind Just 5 minutes – SpeakingTree (blog)
And some helpful advice from celebrity Toni Collette on her favorite rules for a healthy body healthy mind…